Extremal Combinatorics and its Methods

Winter 2015-16

Results from the second exam

Student ID Grade
0061 3.0
1395 3.7
1543 3.3
2610 5.0
3370 3.7
3548 3.7
4072 5.0
4102 1.0*
4126 3.3
4384 1.7
4596 5.0
4600 5.0
4836 4.0
5168 2.7
5440 5.0
6675 2.7
8310 3.3
8345 5.0
8582 5.0
8730 3.0

*Please e-mail the name and backstory of a character of your creation to shagnik@mi.fu-berlin.de. I look forward to meeting your characters and incorporating them into future homework assignments.

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