Lonely students seeking partners
Does seeing your classmates in their pairs make you feel like an isolated vertex?
Are you looking for your perfect match with whom to study perfect matchings?
Or are you simply seeking someone to share the heavy burden that is homework?
If the answer to any of those questions was yes, then you can post an ad below by sending your name (and perhaps a little biographical information, to help people choose you) to shagNO BOTS PLEASEnik@mi.fu-berlI DON'T LIKE SPAMin.de.
If you like the sound of any of the people listed below, and would like to be their partner, then write to the same address to let me know, and I will put the two of you in touch.
Happy Homeworking!
Stu Dent
I am really looking forward to this term's Algorithmic Combinatorics course, because ever since I was three years old it has been my dream to design algorithms. However, I do not yet have a partner for the homework. I would be free to work on the assignments on Thursday, Friday and Monday mornings, or between midnight and 6am any day of the week.
I like to wear baseball caps even though I don't like baseball, my favourite graph is the Olaf graph, and I would like to do a Ph.D. in double or triple integrals.
Also, I am not a real person, but an example of what you can submit to find a partner.