Constructive Combinatorics: Übervisions

The Übervision sessions will be held every second week, starting from the week of April 20th. Please submit your written solutions to the homework exercises to the tutor box (Arnimallee 3, 1st floor) of Shagnik Das on the Monday before your session. The groups and meeting times are listed below.

Time Location Group Members
Tuesday, 10:15 - 11:45 Arnimallee 3, SR 210 Sebastian Bierke, Philipp Donner, David Fabian, Jennifer Friedrich, Teetje Stark
Tuesday, 12:30 - 14:00 Arnimallee 3, SR 119 Tomas Bayer, Jan Corsten, Max Marcuse, Milan Möllenberg
Tuesday, 16:00 - 17:30 Arnimallee 3, SR 210 Alberto Espuny, Alexander Jandt, Justine Mullon, JD Ribstein
Wednesday, 10:15 - 11:45 Arnimallee 3, SR 210 Eric Badstübner, Felix Cornel, Ricardo Euler, Chris Kusch, Ekaterina Oleynikova
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