Instructor Lectures Topics and Prerequisites Final Exam and Requirements Notes and Exercises |
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Instructor |
Assistant |
Tibor Szabó | Shagnik Das | ||
Arnimallee 3, Rm 211a | Arnimallee 3, Rm 205 | ||
szabo at math dot fu-berlin dot de | shagn | ik@mi.fu-ber||
838-75217 |
Lectures will take place in Arnimallee 3, SR 119, from 12:30pm to 2:00pm. On odd weeks (weeks starting April 13th, April 27th, May 11th, and so on), there will be lectures on both Tuesday and Wednesday. On even weeks (weeks starting April 20th, May 4th, May 18th, and so on), there will only be lectures on Wednesday. |
Topics |
We will study extremal constructions for Turán- and Ramsey-type problems in combinatorics. These constructions shall make use of finite fields, projective planes, algebra, and probability. We will also study quasirandom graphs through graph eigenvalues, as well as applications of the discrete Fourier transform. |
Prerequisites |
Basic extremal graph theory, combinatorics, algebra, probability, and calculus. |
Final Exam |
The grade for this course is based solely on the final exam. There will be oral exams, offered either in July, directly after the end of lectures, or in September. During the exam, you should expect to encounter three different types of exercises: material from lectures, homework exercises, and new exercises. |
Requirements |
A full description of the formalities of the course and the requirements for successfully completing the course can be found here. |
Notes |
As the course progresses, course notes
will be posted here . |
Exercises |
The Übervision groups can be found here. Homework assignments will be posted below, and should be submitted to the tutor box of Shagnik Das. |