Getting here

A campus map, directions for getting to campus, and suggestions for places to eat can be found here.

Workshop locations

The workshop will be held at the Freie Universität Berlin, in the buildings of Arnimallee 3 and Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin. [Map]

Talks will be held in Hörsaal 1 of Arnimallee 3. Groups may use Seminar Rooms 024 and 210 of Arnimallee 3 and Seminar Room 031 of Arnimallee 7 during the working sessions.


Eduroam is available throughout the campus. Those without Eduroam access may connect to the "conference" network; a password will be provided at the beginning of the workshop. For further details, please visit the ZEDAT website.


Many thanks to Sabrina Nordt for her invaluable organisational work.