Algorithmic Combinatorics (Discrete Mathematics II) Winter 2014/15.
Exercise Sheet 1-3. (9 solutions due October 29th)
Exercise Sheet 4. (due November 14th)
Exercise Sheet 5. (due November 21st)
Exercise Sheet 6. (due November 28th)
Exercise Sheet 7. (due December 5th)
(4/12/2014: fixed typos in Exercise 4)
Exercise Sheet 8. (due December 12th)
(4/12/2014: Made Exercise 1(ii) a bonus, added a hint for Exercise 2(ii), corrected a typo in Exercise 4)
Exercise Sheet 9. (due December 19th)
(12/12/2014: Some clarification added to Exercises 4(iii) and 5; 16/12/2014: fixed typo in Exercise 3(i))
Solution to Exercise 3.
Exercise Sheet 10. (due January 9th)
Mock Exam. (due 12 noon, January 16th)
Exercise Sheet 11. (due January 23rd) (17/1/2015: Exercise 1 corrected - subscripts fixed. Exercise 3 corrected - the objective function should be minimised. )
Exercise Sheet 12. (due January 30th) (29/1/2015: Correction made to the hint for Exercise 2.)
Exercise Sheet 13. (due February 6th) (5/2/2015: Exercise 6 - definition of the matrix A corrected)
Exercise Sheet 14. (submit by February 13th for feedback) (5/2/2015: several changes since initial posting earlier in the day; 13/2/2015: correction to Ex 2 (iii))
Solutions to Exercise Sheet 14.
Exercise Sheet 15. (Local Lemma practice for the second exam)
Solutions to Exercise Sheet 15.
Covered material.
Week 1-3 (Additive Combinatorics)
Lecture Notes (Examinable material
Sections 1,2,3,5,7, minus Chang's Lemma, plus statement of
Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers Theorem.)
Weeek 4: [Aigner]: sorting problem,
MergeSort, number of comparisons in MergeSort, information
theoretic lower bound on the running time of any sorting
algorithm, Stirling-formula, Big-O notation, polynomial running time; Algorithms (input/output,
definiteness, correctness, termination, running time, worst
case/average case), [LPV]: minimum spanning tree problem, running time
of Kruskal's Algorithm for MST; Arthur-Merlin story (perfect matching vs Hamilton
cycle), NP intersection co-NP, P vs NP, polynomial
running time, NP-hard, NP-complete problems, [West]: Recall: Hall's
Theorem, Kőnig's Theorem,
characterization of maximum matchings via minimum vertex cover in bipartite graphs.
Week 5: [PLV]: Travelling Salesman Problem
(TSP), 2-approximation algorithm for TSP with triangle inequality
[West]: Recall: matching M is maximum if and only if there is no M-augmenting
path, Tutte's Theorem, Augmenting Path Algorithm (APA) to find a maximum matching
and minimum vertex cover in a bipartite graph,Termination and
correctness of APA, Running time is O(mn), the weighted bipartite
matching problem
Week 6: [West]: Hungarian Algorithm, correctness and termination for
arbitrary real weights.
Recall: proper vertex-colorings, chromatic number, upper bound
with Greedy Coloring. Scheduling meetings with project leader
requests, definition of list-coloring, list-chromatic number,
upper bound with Greedy Coloring Algorithm, examples:
K_{2,2}, K_{m,m}. Recall: planar graphs, 5-color theorem,
4-color theorem. Planar graphs are 5-list-colorable (Thomassen's Theorem).
Week 7: [West]: definition of edge-coloring, edge-chromatic
number. Examples: K_4, K_5, K_n, lower bound in terms of max degree,
Petersen. Konig's Theorem about edge-chromatic number of bipartite
graphs. Definition of line graphs, first upper bound on the
edg-chromatic number in terms of the max degree with the help of line
graph. Vizing's Theorem (Schrijver's proof). Edge-list
coloring. List Coloring Conjecture. Galvin's Theorem (proof for
for K_{n,n} via kernels and stable matchings) Stable Matching Problem,
Proposal Algorithm, Proof of termination and correctness of the Proposal
Week 8: [West]: Recall:
connectivity of a graph is at most its edge-connectivity, characterizations of 2-connected
graphs, Expansion Lemma. 2-connectivity is in NP intersection
co-NP. Four versions of Menger's Theorem (local/global,
vertex/edge), LVMT implies all others. k(n)-connectivity is in NP
intersection co-NP for every function k(n).
Definition of networks, feasible flows, value, maximum flow.
Characterization of maximum flows via augmenting paths, definition of source/sink
cut, capacity of cut, Weak Duality
Lemma, MaxFlow/MinCut Theorem, Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm, termination,
Integrality Theorem, proof of Menger's Theorem (local edge and
vertex versions)
Week 9: [West]: proof of Local Vertex Menger Theorem. [vLW]:
Baranyai's Theorem.
[MG]: linear programming,
definitions, types of linear programs, solving by picture in 2D.
Week 10: [MG]: examples (diet problem, flows), history, motivations,
word problems, integer linear programming,
LP-relaxation, maximum
weighted matching in bipartite graphs, Theorem: there is always an
optimal solution with integer coordinates.
approximation algorithm via LP-relaxation: minimum
vertex cover; LP-relaxation giving nothing: maximum independent set;
Week 11: [MG] every LP can be written in equational form; Farkas Lemma, geometric interpretation, three
equivalent formulations, Weak Duality Lemma,
proof of Strong Duality Theorem using
Farkas Lemma, analytic proof of Farkas Lemma;
Week 12: [MG] (feasible) basis, basic
feasible solution, every LP which is feasible and bounded has an
optimal solution that is basic; finite algorithm to solve LP using
basic feasible solutions, simplex algorithm (
Game Theory (examples of zero-sum games, payoff matrix, best response, worst-case
optimal strategy, (mixed) Nash-equilibrium, weak duality)
Week 13: [MG]: totally unimodular matrices, proof of Kö nig's Theorem
via linear programming; discussion of Helly-type theorems, theorem of
Alon on the transversal number of finite family of d-intervals
Week 14: [*] randomised algorithms; matrix multiplication verification; polynomial zero-testing; Schwartz-Zippel theorem
Week 15: [**] testing for perfect matchings; two-colourability of hypergraphs; random colouring lower bound; deterministic lower bound via Maker-Breaker games; improved lower bound via randomised greedy colouring.
Week 16: [***] Local Lemma (proof for hypergraph 2-coloring),
Application: list-coloring, Algorithmic Local Lemma (proof for
hypergraph 2-coloring)
Below are some rough notes and transparencies that contain a skeleton of
some topics of the lectures;
Here are the lecture notes of Giorgis
Petridis for the first three weeks.
notes to the fourth week
Kruskal's algorithm
Matchings, PvsNP, TSP
Bipartite matching algorithms (updated 18.11)
Listcoloring, edge-coloring, stable matchings (updated 26.11)
Connectivity, network flows, Baranyai's Theorem (updated 10.12)
[*] Lecture notes (skeletal) for Week 14:
Tuesday lecture,
Wednesday lecture
[**] Lecture notes (skeletal) for Week 15:
Wednesday lecture,
[***] A couple of notes for Week 16:
Local Lemma,
Algorithmic Local Lemma